Awards and Recognition

eHealth NSW is proud to have been recognised for its achievements in digital health innovation.

The Bill of IT

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2024 iTnews Benchmark Awards – Finalist, Best State Government Project

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2023 TBM Council Award – Winner, Public Sector Excellence

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2023 Health Finance Managers Association Awards – Winner, Team of the Year

The Bill of IT is a consumption-based pricing and recharge tool developed by eHealth NSW. It provides NSW Health organisations with greater insights, transparency and control over their business costs for over 230 IT services that eHealth NSW offers.

The iTnews Benchmark Awards recognise the projects and people behind Australia's best IT initiatives.

The global TBM Council Awards recognise the impact of technology business management on businesses, their people, and their customers.

The HFMA health finance awards recognise and showcase the talent, commitment, and leadership across the Australian healthcare finance sector.

Radiology Information Systems and Picture Archiving & Communications System (RIS-PACS)

Award Ribbon Circle

2024 iTnews Benchmark Awards – Finalist, Best Health Project

Medical imaging is often considered the visual piece of a diagnostic puzzle for clinicians when providing patient care.

eHealth NSW, in conjunction with Local Health Districts (LHDs), identified a need for a unified statewide RIS-PACS solution to replace existing legacy systems and improve medical imaging integration capabilities.

The RIS-PACS program unified different imaging, archive and IT systems into one robust statewide platform, increasing clinical information sharing and improving diagnostic processes across NSW Health.

This work was acknowledged as finalist in the 2024 iTnews Benchmark Awards in the Best Health Project category, which recognises the projects and people behind the best IT initiatives.

Since launching in 2020, RIS-PACS has supported the migration of more than 28 million historical images across 86 Hospitals, including the integration of 1,500 pieces of speciality imaging equipment.

It reflects one of the most significant digital changes to NSW Health to date, resulting in the standardisation of radiology practices across Australia’s largest public health system.

Journey to the Cloud

Award Ribbon Circle

2023 iTnews Benchmark Awards – Finalist, Best Health Project

eHealth NSW is transitioning IT infrastructure from on-premise to the cloud delivering greater speed and reliability for IT and clinical services right across NSW Health.

In its first 12 months the Critcal Infrastructure Refresh Program saved 120,000 clinical productivity hours by transitioning eHealth NSW services to the cloud. This included a 70% reduction in unplanned outages and a 50% reduction in maintenance windows.

The iTnews Benchmark Awards celebrate the innovative and impactful ways IT is revolutionising the healthcare industry.

The NSW Telestoke Service

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2023 iTnews Benchmark Awards – Winner, Best Health Project and 2023 Best Project of the Year

The NSW Telestroke Service provides specialist stroke care to patients in rural and regional NSW, connecting local emergency physicians with 24/7 access to expert stroke clinicians via video consultation.

The NSW Telestroke Service is a collaboration between the Prince of Wales Hospital Sydney, eHealth NSW, the Agency for Clinical Innovation and the Ministry of Health.

The iTnews Benchmark Awards celebrate the innovative and impactful ways IT is revolutionising the healthcare industry.

CoVax, VAM and VaxHub

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2022 NSW iAwards - Certificate of Merit, Government and Public Sector solution of the year category

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2021 NSW Premier's Awards - Finalist & Honourable Mention, Excellence in digital innovation category

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2021 NSW Health Awards – Finalist, Keeping people healthy category

As part of the NSW Health COVID-19 response, eHealth NSW developed a trio of digital systems to fast-track the vaccination of frontline workers, assist the general public in booking there vaccinations, and to manage the entire administration process, from booking an appointment, to tracking does and recording clinical information, as well as interfacing with the Australian Immunisation Register.

Known collectively as CoVax, VAM and VaxHub - the three initiatives were key to the State's fight against the virus.

The iAwards, delivered by the Australian Information Industry Association, recognise excellence in innovation that has the potential to create positive change for the community – whether this is at home, in the office or on a global scale.

The NSW Premier’s Awards celebrate excellence in the delivery of public services to the NSW community by the public sector, not-for-profit organisations and private businesses, in partnership with public sector agencies and departments.

The NSW Health Awards recognise innovative and sustainable health programs that deliver outcomes that matter to patients and invest in the wellness of the NSW community. It is more important than ever we take an opportunity to recognise and acknowledge the achievements of our health system.

Patient Reported Measures

Award Ribbon Circle

 2022 iTnews Benchmark Awards – Finalist, Best health project category

Developed in partnership with the Agency for Clinical Innovation, Ministry of Health and local health districts, the Health Outcomes and Patient Experience / Patient Reported Measures (HOPE PRM) solution gives patients and carers the opportunity to provide real-time feedback on their health related experiences.

For clinicians, it offers immediate information to guide decisions and improve patient-centred care. The HOPE PRM platform was co-designed with consumers, clinicians and managers.

The iTnews Benchmark Awards recognise Australia's leading IT projects, across an array of categories, including Best State Government Project, and Best Health Project.


Award Wreath Circle

2021 iTnews Benchmark Awards - Highly Commended, Best health project category

In 2021 eHealth NSW was recognised in the iTnews Benchmark Awards for ims+. NSW Health’s cloud-based incident management system. ims+ manages both clinical and staff incidents.

A joint initiative, developed in conjunction with the Clinical Excellence Commission and vendor RLDatix, it replaced an existing paper-based reporting system, and supports the prediction and mitigation of staff and patient safety incidents. Additionally, it provides data and analytics for continuous improvement.

Admission/Discharge Notice

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2021 Mid North Coast Local Health District Innovation Awards - Winner

Developed by eHealth NSW, in partnership with the Integrated Primary Care team at Mid North Coast Local Health District (LHD), the hospital Admission/Discharge Notice (ADN) system was designed to support continuity of care and reduce hospital readmission. It ensures a patient's primary care physician is kept abreast of developments in their care and any movement between community and hospital care settings. More than just notifying a GP as to changes in a patient’s care; the alert also prompts GPs to follow up and manage any ongoing treatment the patient may require immediately after leaving hospital.

The application was recognised by Mid North Coast LHD, winning its annual health innovation award for patient safety.

Statewide Wireless Network

Award Ribbon Circle

2020 IoT Awards –  Winner, Health category

The NSW Health Statewide Wireless Network has been integral in providing wireless infrastructure to more than 530 NSW Health sites, allowing for significantly improved healthcare services, particularly for remote and regional hospitals.

Patients and visitors can also access secure services including video calls, music, and movie streaming and social media. In addition, more than 150,000 NSW Health staff now also have access to Wi-Fi, enabling them to communicate, collaborate and consult in real-time.

The IoT Awards recognise efforts to lay a foundation for wide-scale IoT as well as the impact of IoT. The eHealth NSW project was developed in partnership with NSW Health, the NSW Government, and our vendor partners.

eCAT Digital Triage Screening Tool

Award Ribbon Circle

2020 CIO50 Awards – Winner, Community Program Award

When COVID-19 struck in March 2020, eHealth NSW mobilised to deliver a fast and effective response, with the eCAT digital triage screening tool. A collaboration with the Ministry of Health, the Agency for Clinical Innovation, local health Districts and specialty health networks ,   among a range of initiatives.

Billed as an Australian first, the tool is used to rapidly screen people, leading to much faster diagnosis and therefore treatment of infected patients. It supports clinicians by posing key screening questions to people, along with alerts and up-to-date lists of patients either confirmed or suspected of having COVID-19.

The CIO50 is Australia's premier award program for senior technology and digital executives. Its Community Program award recognises teams who support the community.