Female clinician reading from papers during a meeting

eHealth News Jul 23:
Transforming our supply chain system with SmartChain

20 July 2023

The SmartChain program will deliver a new statewide digital solution for NSW Health supply chain and procurement systems.

Co-led by eHealth NSW and HealthShare NSW, it will simplify procurement processes and ensure decision-making is based on reliable and trusted information, enhancing patient safety.

New Traceability solution

In a major milestone for the project, the Traceability solution pilot recently launched.

An end-to-end tracking solution manages the supply of implantable devices and other products. It tracks and assesses product usage across the supply chain at department, facility, local health district (LHD) or statewide level.

The Traceability solution can also quickly track items to patients, improving stock management, and enhancing ordering and reporting capabilities. It will also reduce risks of adverse patient safety outcomes in the event of product recalls.

Lizafe Muriel, Clinical Support Officer at Nepean Hospital’s Cardiac Catheterisation Lab, (pictured in the header), is using the Traceability solution to track items to patients and raise orders.

“The SmartChain Traceability solution is more efficient in ordering and has greater control over cost and reduction in manual record keeping. It also has better visibility of stock and usage. Thank you to HealthShare NSW, eHealth NSW and the procurement teams and everyone involved for making my job easier, but most importantly saving overspend for the users,” Lizafe said.

Roll out continues

Nepean Hospital was the first pilot site. It has since been rolled out at Blue Mountains Hospital and Lithgow Hospital.

Clinical departments taking part in the pilot include cardiac catheterisation labs and medical imaging.

“The SmartChain Traceability solution will deliver many benefits including enhanced patient safety. It will improve how products are traced to patients and will provide greater visibility of theatre ordering and streamline the process,” Shehryar Khan, SmartChain Solution Lead, eHealth NSW said.

Over the next 18 months, eHealth NSW will support the implementation of the Traceability solution at LHDs and specialty health networks across the state.

The news item above is included in our eHealth NSW July 2023 newsletter.

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