Smiling clinician sitting in front of desktop computer.

ims+ hits significant milestone with all NSW Health organisations now live on the new system

23 December 2020

Improved care and increased patient and staff safety at NSW hospitals and medical facilities is at the forefront of a new incident management system. ims+ is now live in all Local Health Districts, Specialty Service Networks and Pillars, and across NSW Ambulance.

At its heart, the aim of ims+ is to improve the quality of care for NSW residents, with the software providing incident notifications and simple to use management processes. The benefit is the data which is being used for improvements to clinical care, staff safety and wellbeing, and to map incident trends and location issues.

To date that’s meant as many as 100,000 incidents reported on the new system. “It shows that there has really been a great uptake of the platform, and that will only help to improve patient safety in the long run,” ims+ Program Manager Pranay Mehta said.

Smiling clinician sitting in front of desktop computer.
The aim of ims+ is to improve the quality of care for NSW residents

“A culture of reporting incidents is what we want to promote within NSW Health, which will lead to more investigations and learnings and hence improvements in safety and quality of care, which is what ims+ is all about.”

The cloud-based ims+ solution is now fully operational, replacing paper-based reporting and an outdated electronic system, with a single, fit-for-purpose setup.

Staff who are already using the new system say it’s quicker and easier to use, and can be easily accessed, anywhere and anytime. Those adding incidents into the platform can also request feedback once the incident has been finalised.

“We have had a large number of compliments as well via ims+, something that the previous system did not cater for. It’s great to appreciate the hard work of health care staff and workers,” Pranay added.

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